Remote Healing Sessions

Like many of us during this extraordinary chapter in human experience, I’ve been embracing the opportunity to adapt my working practice to fit in with the current social climate and all of the nuances that have been introduced into our lives. Adapting alternative ways to practice alternative medicine is a challenge in and of itself, but interestingly the inconvenience of isolation has forced me down a road that I’ve been contemplating for a long time and I’m actually very grateful for the opportunity that came with the lockdown period. 

The bridge between science and spirituality appears to be closing to the point where the boundary lines are so blurred now that it’s difficult to tell where one ends and the other begins. I personally welcome this new paradigm, it's long overdue and I’m excited to see where it takes us on our healing journey. There are some incredibly well informed scientists such as Bruce Lipton and Joe Dispenza and authors such as Lynn Mactagart and Deepak Chopra that are producing and reporting scientific evidence that's monumentally changing the current paradigm of medicine and healing practices. We’re moving away from Cartesian separatist medicine at a rapid pace to one that’s more in alignment with a holistic, unified perspective. 

The idea of unification within the quantum field suggests that there’s no space that exists between us and we’re all connected by a unified field of consciousness. The body of evidence to support this theory is vast and in the current paradigm, seemingly unquestionable. Our curious minds want evidence and proof of new ideas and will look everywhere for it until they’re satisfied. Curiosity leads to open questioning and an invitation to consider new possibilities. When this is backed up by scientific evidence and observational proof, new ways of thinking and being eventually find their way into realisation.

With this in mind and the evidence to prove it, it makes total scientific and spiritual sense that we can facilitate a healing experience from an apparently remote position. Prayer is an obvious form of remote healing that’s been practiced for as long as man has been consciously aware of the possibility of an all powerful and creative energy source that we can’t touch, see or hear, but that we trust is with us and supports us on our journey. There’s also a significant body of evidence to support prayer as a healing modality in a generalised and specific form.

An aspect of my own ‘in-clinic’ practice includes a mode of alternative medicine known as ‘Blo-dynamic cranio-sacral therapy’. This is a psycho/somatic experience using light body contact to identify and facilitate the transmutation of energy blocks in the person's physical and energetic body. The practitioner is drawn to these areas of distortion using their felt sense and conscious awareness. The practitioner then uses their intention to offer space to the field surrounding the affected area to encourage the client's body to use this space to release blocked or trapped energy (quantum observation). Space and movement are vital to human health on all levels, so freeing up as much energy as possible is a fabulous way of helping your body to restore homeostasis. 

In the quantum (remote) field the practitioner of remote healing engages in a very similar experience, albeit in their mind's eye and in some cases their bodily felt sense. Energy blocks present in the client’s physical and energetic body become apparent to the practitioner and work begins in exactly the same way as if they were in a clinic, only the instruction or invitation to change, move or transform comes from a remote perspective. 

A similar process applies to that of my practice of acupuncture, although the difference here is the invitation is directed at the life force energy within the meridian system to take up a healthier state of being. I must reiterate here that this is not acupuncture practice but remote energy healing. Much of acupuncture practice (certainly the way I understand it through the 5 element model) is dedicated to verbal support, encouragement and education and in my experience this aspect of acupuncture practice is unaffected (with the exception of some subtle differences) using remote contact methods. 

One of the benefits of practicing remote energy work is that the field between practitioner and client is open and clear and the client is at a venue of their choice, which is generally at home providing an environment of safety, comfort and support. The practitioner, also in a supportive environment can enter undisturbed into a deeper sense of meditation and conscious contemplation during the session, which correspondingly appears to facilitate a deeper sense of meditation within the client.  

The deepening sense of connection that can be experienced between practitioner and client can facilitate another dimension of healing. A deeper level of observation and enquiry can bring into realisation the true route cause of disease or condition beyond the distortion of emotional disharmony. What seems like pain and suffering can be transformed into the opportunity to learn lessons that have been established on a Soul level. It’s possible at this level to identify what’s happening in their human experience and relate it to a spiritual experience, thus taking much of the mental pain away and reframing it as an opportunity to learn, grow and heal. Once the lessons are fully understood, the body no longer has to inform us through pain, illness and conditions and natural healing begins from within to restore homeostasis.

Here’s some testimonials from clients who’ve already experienced remote energy healing with me.

I am so grateful for Ged’s work and the difference it has made to my life. He is extremely gifted, he works distantly at a very clear high vibrational yet grounded way. There is no outdated, limiting, negative belief or story that he cannot help bring into instant clarity.

I believe most of my imbalances were caused first in my emotional body, imbalances I had collected, created and recreated throughout my life creating patterns of distorted mental and emotional programs which were blocking my creativity and distorting how I related to others and the world around me. Ged can work at a level that has the ability to heal on all these levels of the relationship to mind body & spirit.

‘I’ve worked with Ged for a few years now and each session (remote or in person) brings its very unique magic and medicine for what is ready to be transformed at any given time. He is a true healer, he is down to earth yet super cosmically connected with an otherworldly kind nature and I always feel the purely compassionate and unconditionally loving space from which he works. Having a session with Ged is like remembering to return home to the well of abundance of health and vitality we all have within us.’


Ged’s sessions help me to focus on the areas of importance in my life, with supportive inquiry and his unique brand of wisdom. He manages to distil my personal challenges down to the underlying or unconscious issues at play, and offers insightful and practical reflections. He is bold in his assertions yet deeply empathetic. I have worked with him both in person and remotely, and find him to be as ‘tuned in’ and astute with his observations in his virtual sessions. His remote work has been really helpful and supportive during turbulent times. I would not hesitate to recommend Ged to anyone, whatever life challenges they are working through. He has a genuine gift that is hard to put into words and is best experienced firsthand – give it a go! 


Navigating life’s ups and downs over the years have been better managed with the support of Ged. The current difficulties we face however have required different means of contact and a different level of support, so I was delighted when Ged advised me of his remote appointments. Aside from the absence of his acupuncture needles, the session was a complete success as it is normally and I was left feeling rejuvenated and positive and ready to face the world again. I would highly recommend it. 


Ged Ferguson